+25 industries developed by
Computer Vision

Retail Industry

By installing computer vision cameras, retailers can identify hot areas of the store, customers’ movement and purchase patterns, and behavior concerning certain products. By analyzing this information, retailers can make informed decisions about merchandising, store layout, as well as staff positioning.
Computer vision also found its way into retail inventory management. According to Retail Technology Study 2020, 64% of retailers are looking to deploy various data-driven solutions, computer vision included, to optimize inventory in the next two years. The retail industry can utilize computer vision to update its inventory system in real-time

Smart Cities

By installing computer vision cameras, retailers can identify hot areas of the store, customers’ movement and purchase patterns, and behavior concerning certain products. By analyzing this information, retailers can make informed decisions about merchandising, store layout, as well as staff positioning.
Computer vision also found its way into retail inventory management. According to Retail Technology Study 2020, 64% of retailers are looking to deploy various data-driven solutions, computer vision included, to optimize inventory in the next two years. The retail industry can utilize computer vision to update its inventory system in real-time

Retail Industry

By installing computer vision cameras, retailers can identify hot areas of the store, customers’ movement and purchase patterns, and behavior concerning certain products. By analyzing this information, retailers can make informed decisions about merchandising, store layout, as well as staff positioning.
Computer vision also found its way into retail inventory management. According to Retail Technology Study 2020, 64% of retailers are looking to deploy various data-driven solutions, computer vision included, to optimize inventory in the next two years. The retail industry can utilize computer vision to update its inventory system in real-time